Defining My Curves

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Starting Off Right

Let's see if I can actually keep up with a blog for once. This is mainly for my own purposes (ie: keeping up with my weight loss/points/etc), but if it helps people in the blogosphere, that's cool too. As you can tell from the "about me" and blog title, I'm trying to lose the weight and tone up. I mean, Summer is coming and in sweet home Alabama that means going to the beach/pool/river/lake/etc. It stays about three million degrees around here, and keeping cool is the name of the game. However, bathing suits and shorts don't look great on...heftier people. Another reason for me focusing on weight loss is my health. I'm 23, I want to get the weight off NOW and not wait until I'm 30 or 40 and it's a lot harder. I'd rather tackle it when I'm young, with no family commitments to get in thew way.

I've been a paying member of Weight Watchers for a little over a year, but I haven't actually been following the plan for a while. (Bad me!) That said, the plan WORKS when you work it. So as of Monday, I've gotten back on the wagon and am trying to focus my energy on getting in shape. I have a goal, I have a plan, and I'm going for it.

I graduate with my MBA on May 21st, and I would love to be under my high school graduation weight at that point. That said, my goal weight is 199 for May 21st, 2010.

Now. For Today:

Weight: 215.2
Exercise: Wii Fit (27 minutes)

So I have 16.2 lbs to lose in six weeks. Wow. I didn't realize it was that little time left. That's about 3 lbs a week. It will be difficult, I admit. However, I'm going to shoot for that, make it my short-term goal, and focus on that from here to May. I'm going to try to use this page as my motivation. I also have a SUPER cute bathing suit I'm using as motivation that's a size smaller than I am now, as well as a pair of jeans I wore my senior year in high school. (Six years ago! Gah.)

Updates will be coming. Wish me luck!


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