Defining My Curves

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Today is a messy, gloomy, rainy day. It's kind-of a downer after so many warm, sunny days in a row. I've been in a great mood everyday this week, but today? I just want to go home, curl up in my bed, and sleep. Not exactly a way to burn off calories, huh?

I weighed in at 215.2 this morning; a maintain from yesterday. I'm not going to lie, I was a little disappointed. I have to get over that, though! I get used to losing pretty quickly, and then when I don't lose I get upset. But, technically, I've lost 5 lbs this week. Yes, it's from water weight, but that scale is still down and that's what's important to me right now.

I've also worked out three days in a row (before work) now. Dad and I went walking last night; we finished two miles in 30 minutes. I know that's slow to all your runners or regular walkers out there, but I haven't walked in a LONG time. I was pretty proud of myself for (a) the time, (b) the distance, and (c) the fact that I actually did it. Then I got up this morning and did 23 minutes on the Wii. Doesn't burn a ton of calories, but it gets me moving and puts me in a good mood (generally) for the rest of the day.

What put me in a BAD mood today was the fact that I can't read (or pay attention to things!) and the dressing I thought was fat-free is definitely NOT. I spent 4 points on my salad with 3 Tbsp of that dressing. NOT. happy. However, I'm tracking it and moving on. Hopefully I can get some activity points and burn off the excess.

I'm looking at getting a heart-rate monitor for an exercise goal. I really want to keep working out, but I don't want to spend $100 (or more) on a Polar and then just quit exercising. (I do have a tendency to just....stop.) So I think if I work out for two weeks straight, for at least 30 minutes a day), I'm going to invest in one. That's my reward. You heard it here first, kids; the first exercise goal I've set on the blog. Whee!


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