Defining My Curves

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ups and Downs

As of today, I have officially worked out four days in a row. Only the last three have been for over 30 minutes, though, so I'm not counting the first towards my two week goal. Go me! I actually got up this morning and reached my Wii Fit daily goal (230 cal burned), which I usually don't hit. Hopefully Dad and I will go for another walk tonight; I really enjoy getting to spend some time with him.

That's the good news. The sort-of bad news (to me, anyway) is that I was up a lb to 216.2 when I weighed this morning. Argh! I know, I know; it's probably some muscle or my body retaining water, but STILL. I want to lose weight for Weight Watchers tomorrow! I've actually spent this week on plan, and I want to prove it. I've gained for so long when I go in there, saying "I swear I've been on plan! It's muscle!" probably won't cut it.

Not sure what's going on tonight. It's Friday, but I really kind of want to just chill at the house. We'll see. Walking is definitely planned, though; it's GORGEOUS outside! :D


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