Defining My Curves

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Look at me, updating 4 days in a row! I went to Weight Watchers this morning and maintained from the last time I was there. 216 on their scale. HOWEVER, I was at 213.6 on my scale this morning, so like it or not THAT'S what I'm following! :) I'm not going to lie though, I was pretty frustrated when she told me I didn't lose. I'm just hoping it's muscle I'm building. If I maintain again this next week, I'm going to have to change something up.

I made a protein smoothie for breakfast when I got home (it was really more like brunch, lol), but it was DELICIOUS. I'm definitely going to start making those more often. I went on a walk for about 30 minutes after that, so another day down towards my two-week goal! I'm pretty proud of myself.

I think that working out daily boosts my self-esteem so much. I mean, I know it's only been five days, but it's amazing how much happier I feel and how much my outlook has changed on certain things. My body shape hasn't changed yet, and according to WW I haven't lost much weight, but before, I was willing to take whatever I could get from a guy. Willing to put aside my true feelings and wants just to have someone act interested. Now? I feel like I am the most important person in my life. I have to put what I want first. Who is a guy, any guy, to tell me I'm not worth a relationship? To tell me I'm not as beautiful as another girl? I deserve the absolute BEST because I am a beautiful, strong woman who is working on bettering herself and becoming the best version of me. Come on!

Anyway, there's a few thoughts bouncing around in my head (besides that little rant) that I want to talk about on here later this week. More motivation to post!

Oh! Another victory for me? I've tracked EVERY single thing I ate today (unusual for a Saturday) and didn't binge. Did I eat a little bit more "unhealthy" than usual? Sure. I had a hot dog with a regular bun, with baked tostitos and some veggie dip. Then I had my one chocolate bunny from Easter with milk. But I measured and counted everything I put in my mouth and I feel SO good. Here's to keeping this going.

And just to leave you with something I know EVERYONE'S dying to see (haha!) here's a picture of me after my walk today. No make-up, sweaty faced, but so proud of exercising on a Saturday.


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