Defining My Curves

Monday, April 12, 2010

Frustration (but Committment!)

Sorry there was no real post yesterday; I thought it was going to be a lazy Sunday, and then the day exploded. My phone was ringing off the hook. I almost thought I was going to miss my exercise, but Dad decided to go walking and waited on me to get home! I love my pops! :) So we walked a bit slower, but we got our 2 miles done in a little over 30 minutes. He was sad about the longer time, but it was nice for me to not be huffing and puffing at the end.

In more upsetting news (for me, anyway), I weighed in this morning, expecting a nice small loss. After all, I've been working out, tracking, and staying OP, except for that mess of Saturday night. The verdict? Up 2 from yesterday, up FOUR from Saturday! What. The. Hell. So I said, maybe my scale is just crazy; it was having a fit last night when I weighed. So I went to try to weigh in on the Wii Fit...and the Wii won't come on. I call dad, start freaking out (poor dad), and FINALLY got it to work, only for it to tell me I was up on it too (about 216.5) UGH!!! I fought back my tears (seriously. I'm so overemotional sometimes), made a protein shake, and came to work.

Now, I have two options. I can let this throw me off my game OR I can push through it. I'm definitely choosing the second option. I've decided that I'm going to not focus on the scale quite so much right now and hope that the gain is a temporary set-back from exercising more often. I'm going to keep exercising and, after three weeks (April 27) I'm going to try on my "skinny jeans". They're from my senior year of high school and a size 14. A SMALL size 14. lol. Anyway, even if the scale keeps being a cootie queen, (hehe), I can see how the pants fit compared to the last time I tried them on. Granted, that was almost a year ago, but still. I wasn't exercising as much then. I want to see if my body is changing, even if the scale isn't.

That said, I still want the stupid scale to move down instead of up. It's frustrating when you're doing everything right, and the scale refuses to show progress. Sigh.


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