Defining My Curves

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keeping Up the Pace

Finally down a lb this morning: 216.0! That's not quite as low as I'd like, but at least the scale is moving down instead of up! A friend and I went walking last night at Lakebottom (a local park) and walked the whole track twice. That's 3.5 miles! It took us an hour since we were walking at a slower pace, but I did it! I was pretty proud of that.

I tried to get up this morning and do my Wii Exercises (I haven't done them since Friday), but I had the worst headache. I moved my head and it just throbbed. So I weighed in, took some medicine, and lay down until I absolutely HAD to get back up for work. My head's feeling MUCH better now, so hopefully I can exercise this afternoon. I think I'm going to a Zumba class a friend invited me to. I've never been, but I've heard they're fantastic, so hopefully I'll enjoy that.

Done fairly well on food. I'm still tracking EVERYTHING. It's been a week since I started exercising and tracking again. Hopefully my weight will catch up soon! I am pretty proud of myself for tracking and exercising. It's really funny to me; it seems like everything I do now revolves around working out. Almost as if I plan my days around my workout schedule. Crazy! But it's only been a week, and they say it takes 21 days to make/break a habit.

I'm weighing in on Thursday this week at WW; I have class on Saturday. I probably won't lose, and I'm trying to make myself ok with that. I'm becoming healthier, and that's what counts. (I still wish I could record a loss in my little book...)


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