Defining My Curves

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One week down!

One week has gone by since I began my half-hour work-out plan! It's really been going well, too; everyday has been some type of exercise. Last night was Zumba. They have the class for free at a friend's church, and I had heard it was super fun. I LOVED it. We worked out an hour (although I only counted it for 45 minutes) and did all kinds of dancing and exercises. When that music is going, you don't think about how tired you are, you just wanted to keep up with the song! I will definitely go back.

I was planning on getting up today and working out, but I had an early morning meeting so I missed out. Maybe after work. I did fix "Overnight Oats" last night. I enjoyed them, but I think I'll cut down on the yogurt next time. It made it a little bitter. Plus, it was more points than I'm used to spending at breakfast. That's not a huge deal, but it's hard to plan for lunch and dinner when breakfast uses up so many points.

I have made a decision though. I'm going to stop focusing on weight loss quite so much. I mean, obviously it will still be a factor since I'm going to WW, but it's not going to be the only thing I look at. I'm going to try to improve my overall health. I'm going to eat less processed food and incorporate whole foods into my diet. (Much easier when Fresh Market opens in August!) I'm also cutting out things that are hurting my body. I'm still going to enjoy my twenties, but there's no reason to damage my body while I do it!

I can already tell I'm losing inches; my stomach is smaller and my legs feel (to me, anyway) more muscular. I'm going to get my bike fixed SOON; I want to go to Callaway Gardens and ride the trails. I feel SO optimistic about this!


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