Defining My Curves

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Moving On

Sorry I haven't updated lately. This weekend was crazy busy, and then yesterday I was a little down. I found out I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot, so basically that puts an end to my walking and Wii Fit. Kind of depressing. I can "bike or do the elliptical" but since at this point I have NEITHER, that's a little difficult. I think I'm going to either invest in a bike or get one for graduation, so hopefully I can pick up on my exercise again! I cleaned out my car last night and literally couldn't move this morning, so I guess I did get some exercise in yesterday! :)

I've been doing pretty well as far as eating goes. Lots of oats for breakfast. My parents took me to Jason's Deli Sunday night to celebrate me completing the MBA program at Troy (whoooo!) and I had the salad bar. Probably overate a littttlllee bit, but I could have eaten a giant spud! So that's a step in the right direction.

The scale's still pretty stuck, but it will probably move now that I can't exercise. (sniff, sniff) I was down to somewhere between 213.2 and 214.2 this morning; it fluctuated. The Wii Fit scale (yes, I'm still using it to weigh in) put me at about 213.5, so I figure it's somewhere in there. I was going to WI tonight, but (1) I HATE weighing in at night b/c I've eaten alllll day, and (2) I'm busy packing for the BEACH!

I'm a little nervous about this beach trip. The girl I'm going with doesn't exactly watch her calories, so I'm hoping I can take enough low-cal snacks and food for me that I can cancel out any nasty eating I do! At least I can get fresh seafood! Yum!!!! I'm still trying to eat very clean, obviously, so we'll see how I manage. This will be the test!

It's funny to me; every since I started eating better it seems as though my skin has cleared up and even the bumps I have on my arms (not sure what it is) look better. So I can tell this is definitely healthier and better for my body!! Definitely a good thing.


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