Defining My Curves

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yesterday was a little better as far as eating, but intentional exercise was still non-existent. I did help set up for VBS at church, so at least I had some movement; much better than camping out & watching NCIS all night. (Although McGee def gets my heartrate up. :D)

Weight this morning stayed the same as yesterday: 220.4. But hey, at least it didn't go up! I'm not really sure if I should attribute the maintain to no exercise or eating PB out of the jar. (It wasn't a LOT of PB! But more than I needed.) Anyway, I'm tracking again today and will hopefully get some exercise in tonight. Worse case, I'm going shopping and I can just walk the strip mall. haha

I'm in a "breakfast" mood today, so breakfast was (as usual) oats with PB, a banana, & cinnamon. I'm feeling a egg sandwich on Arnold's Sandwich Thins for lunch...we'll see. Or maybe I should do an egg in EVOO...that would get my oils in for the day! (I'm SO bad about oils.) I'm also thinking I'm going to stop and get a sweet potato from Publix on the way home...I'm craving one of those too. Why am I craving all this weird food?! (No...not preggo. Don't even ask. :P)


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