Defining My Curves

Friday, July 23, 2010

I had the longest post (with pictures! I promise!) done yesterday when I was leaving work, but for some reason it lost it's mind! I don't know if it was the pictures or the fact I used different font (bold...the horror!!) but trust me, it looked AWFUL. So I deleted it.

Basically, the whole thing was saying that I had weighed in yesterday morning at 213. Well, this morning I got on the scale...219?! WTF, scale?! I know I had a fancy schmancy party last night, but seriously, I loaded up on veggies, got baked chicken, four cut up potatoes (they made up maybe 1/2 a new potato) and ate strawberries with ONE BITE of cake for dessert! If I was going to gain, I wish I had enjoyed it! haha. I did eat three hors d'oeuvres, but they were super small and not "fattening" type things. Siiiigggghhh. I hate my scale.
Anyway, I'm moving on, and just waiting to see what the WW scale says tomorrow. If there's a big difference, I might invest in a WW scale at home. Mine's probably broken from all the things I've dropped on it and ran it into the bathroom counter. (long story) I do feel as if I've lost inches, although I have to wait until my month one evaluation at the gym to see proof of that. (August 7! Woo-hoo!!)

Want to try and see if a picture works? This is the bridesmaids dress for my friend's wedding. Super cute, although the color's different. It's my motivation for losing weight:

Oh, please know in the wedding, my bra straps will DEFINITELY not be seen. I'm not so into the trashy look at weddings. ;)


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