Defining My Curves

Monday, August 16, 2010

Slowly but Surely

Hello fellow bloggies! Once again I have been slow on the updating, but I promise I have good reasons! The primary one is, of course, the CPA exam. Two weeks & one day until…well, the test. But I’ve been studying my little booty off trying to prepare. Unfortunately, this involves a lot less actually losing the booty and more stress-eating, so I’m trying to get that under control.

I’ve always been a huge stress eater; I honestly feel like that’s one reason I couldn’t lose much weight while I was in school. I’d get on the right path, lose some, and then finals/projects/etc would hit and I’d get off track. I’m really trying to focus right now and stay on the right path. I will say that, although I ate WAY too much this weekend (and I splurged this morning while doing radio promos) I have tracked every bite I put in my mouth. I feel like that’s kept me more in check and also kept me from going crazy with the food.

In other (and better!) news, I lost a pound at WI Saturday! I am trying to celebrate this pound with every part of my heart, but I really wish I had lost more. Ah well…one more pound gone! 13 pounds gone forever, and 10 more to go until my 10%! At least I’m losing now and not gaining every week! :D

On the Schedule for Today:

1) Type up notes for Study Units 1-10

2) Run errands (I’m out of SO MUCH!)

3) Hit up the YMCA after work, hopefully for a class. Can’t decided between Turbokick and RPM!


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