Defining My Curves

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Start

Wow. Um. Hi?

It's been a while. I kind of got off the bandwagon for a while (ok, for a few months) and I'm really trying to get back on. This is kind of my MO, but I really hope this time I'm going to stick with it. WW is starting a new plan this week (I'll get it Saturday) and I'm planning on fully committing AGAIN to the program.

For real this time.

My clothes still fit, but they're tight. I like to be able to breath in my pants. My tummy has a little more excess around it than it used to. I haven't worked out in months. My face is breaking out from the bad choices I'm making. I'm sluggish and tired. So ask me WHY do I continue making these poor choices? That's what they are, no matter how much I say "I don't have any will-power" or "I just can't change." I can change. I'm just choosing not to.

I'm making that change TODAY.

There's no need to make a list of "rules" or whatever for this. I'm making a life-style change. Choosing healthy, nutritious foods over fattening, greasy foods. Eating at home more than eating out. Will I set goals? Absolutely. I'm not going to set "weight-loss goals" however. These are going to be health goals. I don't care near as much about being skinny (b/c honestly, I never will be) as I do about being healthy and fit. Toned. My goals will be weekly, and I'm going to put updates here. I'm not promising daily updates, but I will update at least once a week.

This is hard. I'm going to be brutally honest with myself and the interwebz. I don't like to put my sizes/weight/whatever on the internet; what if a guy I want to date finds this blog? Well, if he doesn't like me just because of my size, I don't have time for him.

I didn't weigh this morning (I haven't weighed in a few weeks) but I will update all that tomorrow. For now, here are my weekly goals. I think 5 is sufficient.

1) Get in ALL healthy guidelines for the rest of this week. (Tuesday - Saturday)
2.) Work out at least three times.
3.) Only eat out two more times.
4.) Get at least eight hours of sleep a night.
5.) Read one health-related book (informational)

I know the last one is weird, but I like to have as much info as I can on health and fitness. What I think is healthy might not actually be scientifically right. That and I'm a huge nerd. I've accepted it. :D


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