Defining My Curves

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yesterday was a little better as far as eating, but intentional exercise was still non-existent. I did help set up for VBS at church, so at least I had some movement; much better than camping out & watching NCIS all night. (Although McGee def gets my heartrate up. :D)

Weight this morning stayed the same as yesterday: 220.4. But hey, at least it didn't go up! I'm not really sure if I should attribute the maintain to no exercise or eating PB out of the jar. (It wasn't a LOT of PB! But more than I needed.) Anyway, I'm tracking again today and will hopefully get some exercise in tonight. Worse case, I'm going shopping and I can just walk the strip mall. haha

I'm in a "breakfast" mood today, so breakfast was (as usual) oats with PB, a banana, & cinnamon. I'm feeling a egg sandwich on Arnold's Sandwich Thins for lunch...we'll see. Or maybe I should do an egg in EVOO...that would get my oils in for the day! (I'm SO bad about oils.) I'm also thinking I'm going to stop and get a sweet potato from Publix on the way home...I'm craving one of those too. Why am I craving all this weird food?! (No...not preggo. Don't even ask. :P)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

So I didn't do so hot yesterday on my goals. I had a minor binge (not unusual when I start back on a diet, ugh), but ate light last night and kept the damage to a minimum. Only up .8 this morning. I would prefer to be DOWN, but consider I haven't been exercising AND I ate way over points yesterday, I don't think that's awful.

Today however, I am back on track! I'm going to workout tonight (either swimming or the Wii Fit, depends on the weather), and I brought healthy snacks for today. I did leave my water bottle at home, but we keep Dasani in the work fridge so I'm saved! :) The main problem I'm going to have today (I can already tell) is that I'm exhausted for some reason. When I'm tired I tend to eat more, and I also am more tempted to drink Cokes, since that was my old standby when I was tired. I'm trying to resist though; I don't need that sugar and processed crap!

I think, for motivation, I'm going to go research why I should eat NATURAL food instead of processed! I know it makes me feel better, but I want to see scientific proof that will make me want to stay away from that garbage. I'm sure I'll update later; this is going to be a lonnngg day!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I know, I know. It's been like, two months. Sorry. I kind of fell (or jumped headfirst) off the wagon. I got diagnosed with Plantar Faciitis (which sucks, btw), so my exercise died. However, I thought, "hey! New motivation!" So here I am, trying to get back on track, lose my weight, and maybe, eventually, FINALLY hit goal.

This time, however, I am not setting weight goals, per say. I'd LOVE to be at my 10% (again...sigh) by my birthday. However, if there is one thing I have learned lately it's that you can't always force your body to drop pounds. So I'm going to focus on the health aspects and let my body take care of the rest. That said, here are the goals I'm going to shoot for in June:

Goal #1 - Drink at LEAST 64 oz of water a day. I usually hit this, but I've been slacking lately so I want to up that intake. My little water bottle needs to be refilled twice a day, at the minimum.

Goal #2 - Exercise at least 5 x's a week, for at least 30 minutes. I'd honestly like to exercise seven days, but I know my life and I don't want to get discouraged right off the bat. So five times, with two rest days is the way I'm going right now.

Goal #3 - TRACK. I've been WAY off with this, and when I don't track, I gain. I've proven that time and time again. So now I will be tracking & measuring every BLT! (Bite, lick, and taste for all you non-Weight Watchers folks!)

Just so I'll have a rough short-term goal to shoot for, I want to lose 3 lbs by the time I leave for Institute. That's two weeks (June 20). Shouldn't be too hard to do that! I still want to shoot for reaching 207 (down 12 lbs from last WI) by August 3, my 24th bday! That's a long-term goal for me though. Hopefully I can update this more often, but I'll try for at LEAST once a week. Probably Mondays, since I WI on Saturday morning.

I'll also update on how much I weigh on my home scale. Yes, I'm one of those obsessive people who weigh everyday! I do better when I do that, honestly! Look, I'll even do a cool little thing:

Morning WI: 221.8
Points for the day:

Now I just have to fill in the rest at the end of the day...maybe this will force me to update! :)