Defining My Curves

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Baby Are You Down Down Down Down Down

I am! :D (Sorry, I know that was corny. I’m just in that kind of mood today!)

Got on the scale this morning and it read 216.4! Whoop Whoop! If I can keep it about right there until Saturday, I’ll hit my weekly goal! I am super excited about this.

Another NSV for today? I had a ribbon cutting for work (I work at a chamber of commerce) and I needed a suit. Well, the last time I wore this suit it was super tight (I had to pull the skirt wayyyy up to get it to zip). Today? I had to wear a cami under it b/c the top’s so big, and the skirts down where it should be! Yay! Of course, this means I have to buy ANOTHER suit but I can handle that. :)

I need to go back and revise my “Six Things” list from yesterday. I completed most of them. I’m definitely going to have to work on time management; seems like I ran out of time last night before I got to do everything! Part of that was b/c I went to the gym for TWO HOURS. I thought I was going to DIE. I wanted to take a Step class at 5:30 though (I get off at 4), so I had to waste time until then. So what do I do? Interval training. Seriously, Kelli?! Hey, I can feel my hipbones this morning (they DO exist!) so it was worth it.

Anyway. Six things for today:

1. Do Something for Yourself: Get up early and do Yoga & Meditation before work.

2. Do Something For Someone Else: Buy school supplies for RC DHR.

3. Do Something You Don’t Want to Do: Do two loads of laundry tonight!

4. Do Physical Exercise: Go to the gym after work.

5. Do A Mental Exercise: Do a crossword puzzle online.

6. Do an Original Prayer, Starting with Your Blessings: Writing in my journal tonight.

Already got one checked off! :) I’m going to O’Charley’s tonight for a single’s fellowship, so I need to go check the menu. I’ll check back in later!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Six Things

Well, I was up about 0.2 this morning (218.6), but I’m not stressing it. I’ll lose it before long, no worries. I’m wearing my favorite maxi dress, and I can tell it fits better. That’s what I’m shooting for, not a number on the scale.

So, I’ve been reading Chicken Soup for the Single’s Soul (great book, btw) and there was a story about a lady who made a list of six things she wanted to do everyday. It really struck a chord in me, so I’m going to try to do it! I’ll list every morning what I’m going to do for each item on the list, and when I accomplish it I’ll strike them out (or color them, or something.) So, here’s the list, with what I’m going to do today:

1. Do Something For Yourself: Take a long, relaxing bath.

2. Do Something for Someone Else: Clean up the kitchen for mom after dinner.

3. Do Something You Don’t Want to Do: Go through my shoes and donate any that haven’t been worn in at least 6 months to the chamber fundraiser.

4. Do a Physical Exercise: Going to the YMCA after work to do the treadmill and bike!

5. Do a Mental Exercise: Online Crossword.

6. Do an Original Prayer, Starting with Your Blessings: I’ll write that in my journal. It’s private. I’ll do it tonight.

That was tougher to think of than I thought it would be. Most of them won’t be checked off until later, but still. I really think that this will help me take my focus off the whole “every single one of my friends getting married but me” thing. I want to do more volunteer work, but unfortunately I just don’t have time lately. This is helping others (and bettering myself!) but with less time commitment!

I’ll update later. <3!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Keep On Keepin’ On

I'm telling you, my mind is so backwards. Sunday we went to the bridal expo (which was fun, but super crowded!) I didn't eat too many samples, just a teeny scoop of crab dip (ah-mazing) and and little plate of pasta (also fabulous.) So I was super proud of myself. Well, we decide to get together that night to watch 27 Dresses. I know, I’m super late to the party on this movie, but it was SO cute!! And James Marsden?

James Marsden

Uh, yeah. That’s all I need to say about THAT. :D

Anyway, I totally screwed up while watching the movie. Let’s just put it this way. Little Ceasar’s, cheese puffs, and coke. Sigggghhh. But I tracked it and moved on. And I didn’t even use all my WP’s this weekend! Trust me, that’s AMAZING for me.

I’ve almost gotten the weight I “gained” (mostly water weight) over the weekend off, which I’m pretty happy about. I tried to incorporate some HIIT into my workout yesterday, and I really liked the results. I was sweaty as a mofo, but I could tell I had worked out SO much harder than usual. I’d suggest it if you’ve never tried it!!

Zumba tonight! (I love Tuesdays!!) Only 11 days until I do my one-month evaluation at the gym…I can’t wait! I hope my inches are wayyy down! I have these size 14 Nautica jeans I got my junior year of high school…I’m going to make them my FIRST goal jeans. I’m going to try them on after my evaluation to see how much further I need to go. They’re hanging on my closet to inspire me now! :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Just a quick little post tonight; it's Saturday and all I want to do is sleep! (Yeah, I'm secretly about 90. :D) I had weigh-in this morning and the results are....

Starting Weight: 230.0
BMI: 33.0

Today's Weight: 219.0
Difference: -11
BMI: 31.4

Almost to the "overweight" category! Look at that, I'm actually looking forward to being labeled backwards! Oh well. I take what I can get. ;)

I worked out this morning (Elliptical: 25 minutes, Yoga Class: 1 hr) then went to eat Subway (Veggie 6-inch, baked chips). After Subway, some friends and I stopped at this new place called Chill. They have all these different kinds of yogurt and toppings, and you pay by the ounce! I didn't do as well as I could have (you can be as healthy or unhealthy as you want to be) but I tracked everything and moved on!

I did have a NSV at my cousin's wedding tonight. They had two buffet's set up, one with fruit and one with meats. I ate one teeny plate of fruit, NO meat, NO cake, and ate dinner when I got home. Yay me!!!

Anyway, this is longer than I meant for it to be, so I'm going to wrap it up. Wish me luck tomorrow, I'm going to a bridal expo with my bff and I've heard there's TONS of samples. I'm sure it will be fun, but I need will-power! :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Trying This Out

Just downloaded Windows Live Writer b/c I heard it helped make blogging easier. I’m hoping that maybe I can change my fonts AND add pictures, and it won’t freak out on me this time. SO!

First: A picture of my deli-cee-ous stuffed mushrooms I made from the Hungry Girl 1-2-3 Cookbook. Trust me, you should buy this cookbook simply for this recipe alone.


I also made the Apple Shakers. Super easy, and they got me through studying that night!


Just so you can see what happens when I study, here’s a pic of my “study nest”. I study SO much better when I do this. There’s my water bottle, my apple shakers, my laptop, a pillow, and my hoodie. And of course, my CPA review book.


Yeah. I’m a total nerd. :D Forgive the blurry pictures…I took them with my Kodak Zi8 (I think that’s the name). It’s a little handheld video camera. I love it with all my heart, but the still pics aren’t the best.

I had the longest post (with pictures! I promise!) done yesterday when I was leaving work, but for some reason it lost it's mind! I don't know if it was the pictures or the fact I used different font (bold...the horror!!) but trust me, it looked AWFUL. So I deleted it.

Basically, the whole thing was saying that I had weighed in yesterday morning at 213. Well, this morning I got on the scale...219?! WTF, scale?! I know I had a fancy schmancy party last night, but seriously, I loaded up on veggies, got baked chicken, four cut up potatoes (they made up maybe 1/2 a new potato) and ate strawberries with ONE BITE of cake for dessert! If I was going to gain, I wish I had enjoyed it! haha. I did eat three hors d'oeuvres, but they were super small and not "fattening" type things. Siiiigggghhh. I hate my scale.
Anyway, I'm moving on, and just waiting to see what the WW scale says tomorrow. If there's a big difference, I might invest in a WW scale at home. Mine's probably broken from all the things I've dropped on it and ran it into the bathroom counter. (long story) I do feel as if I've lost inches, although I have to wait until my month one evaluation at the gym to see proof of that. (August 7! Woo-hoo!!)

Want to try and see if a picture works? This is the bridesmaids dress for my friend's wedding. Super cute, although the color's different. It's my motivation for losing weight:

Oh, please know in the wedding, my bra straps will DEFINITELY not be seen. I'm not so into the trashy look at weddings. ;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I know I usually try to post in the afternoon, but I just wanted to stop in and say when I stepped on the scale this morning it said....


Down 2.2 lbs. FINALLY, a loss! I'm just hoping it decides to stick around. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying it today. No, not by eating, just enjoying the fact that my hard work is paying off.

I've done pretty well the past two days as far as getting ALL my healthy guidelines in, watching for any snacking, and tracking everything I put in my mouth. Apparently that helps, eh? :D

I'll try to update later. Hope you have a good day, bloggies!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hello bloggy-world!! Hopefully this post will be coherent...I'm dealing with a massive headache that seems to want to stick around, no matter what I do. I'm planning on skipping the gym and laying down after work. No worries, though! I have Zumba at 6:30, so I will be getting in a workout no matter what! :)

I'll give you a wild guess as to what my weight was this got it, 220.6!! Seriously, That weight has not changed since the beginning of JUNE! Sigggghhhh. I'm comforting myself with the fact that my clothes definitely fit better and I feel smaller! (Take that, stupid scale!) Nevertheless, I've decided to do everything I can to try to get the scale to MOOOVVEE. I'm going to track every BLT (Bite, Lick, & Taste) as well as measure everything I eat. I'm thinking maybe my portion sizes have gotten out of whack? I do measure most things on a consistent basis, but there's been a few little nibbles lately I just haven't written down. Now EVERYTHING goes in the tracker!

Obviously I'm going to keep up with my exercise as well. I might start trying to get in an hour of exercise instead of only 30 minutes. I mean, I usually get in 40-60 minutes a day, but my "goal" is usually only 30. So I might just bump that up to 60.

I have lots of things to shoot for in the next few months to a year. My institute class (work thing) is getting back together sometime this fall. I want to be noticeably smaller! Also, I have two of my best friends getting married next spring and I want to be at least a size 12 for their wedding! (See, I'm doing sizes, not weight!) But this means I've got to seriously kick everything into high gear so I can get smaller! The biggest problem is the fact that at David's Bridal (where we're getting the dresses from) all the dresses run SMALL. (Or so it seems to me. Maybe dresses just run smaller in general.) So really, shooting for a size 12 there is like shooting for a general size 10. Oh well. I'm going to do it!!! :D

Anyway, just trying to get my thoughts in order. Hopefully I'll start adding photos a cool new Kodak Zi8 (I think that's the name) for my early bday present!

Monday, July 19, 2010

I am, seriously, the worst blogger EVER. Sorry to the blog I abandoned...even though I'm the only one who reads it. It's primarily for me, anyway, so that's no problem.

The updates since the last post? I've pretty much stayed about the same weight (221 last official WI, 220.6 on my scale for the past, oh, month?!) and getting slightly frustrated. I kicked a bad habit to the curve, which kind of killed my weight loss efforts, but I joined the YMCA, which also seems to have stopped my weight loss, but I have noticed my clothes fitting better and my body changing a bit. So that's a positive!

Another NSV (Non-Scale-Victory, to you non-WW's!) was the fact that I tracked 5/7 days on my vacation last week! In addition, I worked out (intentional exercise) 3 of the days I was gone, and the others I was walking so much I really didn't have time for any more exercise! I'm pretty proud of myself. I was actually going to WI while I was in Charleston, but it would have been a hassle waiting for the meeting to start, so I didn't get to accomplish that goal. Ah well. I got home and stayed the same weight, so WHOO HOOO!!! (Seriously, losing on vacation? Haven't gotten that good yet!)

I'm going to head over to the Y after work so I can get another workout in. I did so well over vacation, then came home and ate like crazy? Seriously, what's up with that?! But I haven't gained yet, (and I tracked EVERY point!), so I'm going to work off the 5 points I went over my WP's and move on.

I'm going to try a new rewards system that helped me with that bad-habit-kicking I mentioned earlier. Every week I'm going to order something teeny (under $10 or so) that I can hopefully schedule to arrive on Friday or Saturday. If I do well that week, I get to open the "surprise". If not, it stays until the NEXT week. Now , this is not a "do well" as in I lost weight at WI. I know better than to base goals solely on weight loss. My definition of doing well is more tracking points, getting in exercise, and eating right! So we'll see how this goes.