Defining My Curves

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Well, today is Day 5 of my “Veggie” experiment and I have to say it’s going beautifully! I honestly haven’t missed meat one bit. I haven’t been working out this week due to studying, so we’ll see how I do next week when I add exercise back into the equation. Hopefully I will still be as perky and chipper as I am this week! :D

WI for the Day: Down to 215. Only a 0.8 lb loss, but I’ll take anything! I’ll be totally honest, I’m getting to a point where I’m happy with my body. Sure, there are still things I want to tone, but I’m really considering next week putting the scale up and see how I do. I want to be comfortable with myself no matter what the scale says and I think to do that I need to get over the obsession with my weight.

Another point is, how can I encourage my friends and other women my age to be happy with themselves if I’m not? A little hypocritical, eh? So I think next week (starting Saturday) I’m going to focus on weekly WI’s (since I do love Weight Watchers) and how I feel versus what the silly scale says every single day (and sometimes night!)

So that’s my thoughts for this morning. I’m just taking it one day at a time. I even have on my bracelet from Jen's website to remind me!

Anywho. The schedule for today is more of the same. Lots of studying and working. Oh, how exciting life is when you’re a CPA candidate! :D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Who Needs Meat?

Weight Check-In: 215.8. Same, same. It’s ok.

I had a veggie burger at Loco's Grill last night. It was made like the “Athenos” burger on their menu and basically….my face was rocked. I will definitely keep this on my go-to meals. Being able to eat out for (fairly) low-point and veggie! Heck yes!

Today for lunch I went to El Vaquero, a local Mexican restaurant that’s super popular round these parts. I was a little worried about it, b/c it’s not exactly super healthy. But it worked out! I had a taco salad with boiled beans instead of meat and no cheese, and skipped eating the shell. I’m full AND I don’t feel all nasty like I do sometimes after eating all that grease.

I’m still studying pretty hardcore. I pulled up Pandora and put on a Sara Bareilles station. This girl rocks, ya’ll. It’s been playing some others like Adele, Yaei Naim, and Meiko…I think I’ll be spending way too much $$ at iTunes soon!

Anyway, this is a short check-in post. I just wanted to let everybody know what was going on…I promise I’ll be a better blogger soon and start including pictures! :D After Tuesday…that’s T-Day! (Test Day. Work with me here, people.)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Veggie Life: Day 3

Just checking in briefly before I get back to studying!! I can’t WAIT for Tuesday night; no more studying…well, at least for one night! I want to take the second part on October 1st and then a third part in November, that only gives me four weeks between the first & second part. I’m not sure that’s enough time to study!!

Anyway, I know you don’t care about all that crud! (Trust me, I wish I didn’t have to either! haha!) I had a fabulous home weigh-in this morning: down another 2.8 lbs! I’m telling you, getting rid of meat REALLY helped scoot my weight loss down…or that’s how it seems. I’m definitely doing it for a full week to get the full effects. I’ve tried some new products this week! The first one is Santa Fe Stuffed Chicken, by a company called (I believe) “It’s All Good”. I’ll try to take a pic next time I eat it, but guys, it was AWESOME. (And I’m not getting paid to say this! I bought it with my own moola.) Totally tasted like real chicken and the sauce was great.

The second product I tried today was Tofurkey. I know everybody else has probably tried this, but I’m always late to the party! TofurkeyIt was pretty good. It had a kind of weird aftertaste to me, but I guess I just have to get used to meatless turkey. I made a sandwich with it and I’ll definitely use it again, but it’s not the same as real turkey lunchmeat (duh, Kelli…)

My parents think I’m bonkers for trying the vegetarian thing, but that’s ok. I feel SO much healthier today. I was kind of tired the past two days, but I think it was just (a) stress from studying and (b) the switch to no meat. I’m getting plenty of protein and iron. So we’ll see how the rest of the week goes!! :D

Monday, August 23, 2010

Want An Update?

I’m sure you do! :D I had a work conference last week so I wasn’t able to check in like I normally do. We had a blast on the BEAUTIFUL beaches of Gulf Shores, AL, though!

Gulf Shores


I promise, I just left…NO oil! (Even though I didn’t take this picture!) If you want a fantastic beach vacation for a really good price, visit Gulf Shores! And no, I promise I don’t work there. Just a big fan!


Anyway, I ate TOO much (as usual for a conference!) and came home about 4 lbs heavier. I will say that at least some of that was water weight though; a lot of the food was heavily processed and had much more sodium in it than I eat on a regular basis. I’ve already dropped (on my scale) two of those lbs.

I’m also doing an experiment. I have very bad stomach problems and I decided, after reading numerous blogs by people who have done it, to try a new diet. (Not like a weight-loss diet, like a way of eating diet). I started reading Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating by Erik Marcus. This book is REALLY good, guys.

VeganI’m not saying I’m going to become a Vegan, particularly overnight. Right now, I’m trying to cut out meats (not sure if I’m going to keep fish out of my diet or not) and cow’s milk. I had NO idea the things that had cow’s milk! I know this way of eating is healthier, I’m just not sure if it works with my lifestyle. We’ll see.

So anyway, to update my WI’s, my official WW weight is 221. I’m expecting a big loss next week though! :D

To Do!

1. STUDY! CPA Countdown: 1 week!

2. Work out at the YMCA.

3. Catch up on everything I missed LAST week at work!

My life’s not very exciting right now…thanks, CPA exam. :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Evaluation & Rewards

Yall are seriously going to get tired of hearing from me today. (And I know I’m being optimistic with the “yall”). I just thought about a few things I’ve left off the blog that I really did want to write down.

First, I don’t think I updated on my one month eval at the gym. I was honestly a little frustrated; my body fat was UP 0.8% and my weight was a pound higher. However, I had just worked out for an hour, so I’m hoping that’s the problem with the weight. The body fat, I have no clue.

As far as measurements, the I lost some places, gained some places. I lost 1 in. off my chest & 2.24 in. off my waist. I actually gained 0.75 in my hips, not sure how that happened either. My arms/thighs were about the same.

Second, I’ve been trying to decide what to get myself for my 10% goal. I’ve hidden my keychain; I’m going to use it when I hit 207 again. I wanted to get myself SOMETHING as a reward to (a) look forward to so I won’t cheat quite so much, and (b) keep my weight loss moving forward!

Anyway, I think for my 10% goal I’m going to get some type of Zumba clothing. I’ve been wanting to buy either a shirt or pants from the site but couldn’t justify paying that much for workout clothes. I can get a shirt on sale for about $15 and the pants are about $40, so I’ll just see where my budget is at that point! So that’s my 10% reward.

Slowly but Surely

Hello fellow bloggies! Once again I have been slow on the updating, but I promise I have good reasons! The primary one is, of course, the CPA exam. Two weeks & one day until…well, the test. But I’ve been studying my little booty off trying to prepare. Unfortunately, this involves a lot less actually losing the booty and more stress-eating, so I’m trying to get that under control.

I’ve always been a huge stress eater; I honestly feel like that’s one reason I couldn’t lose much weight while I was in school. I’d get on the right path, lose some, and then finals/projects/etc would hit and I’d get off track. I’m really trying to focus right now and stay on the right path. I will say that, although I ate WAY too much this weekend (and I splurged this morning while doing radio promos) I have tracked every bite I put in my mouth. I feel like that’s kept me more in check and also kept me from going crazy with the food.

In other (and better!) news, I lost a pound at WI Saturday! I am trying to celebrate this pound with every part of my heart, but I really wish I had lost more. Ah well…one more pound gone! 13 pounds gone forever, and 10 more to go until my 10%! At least I’m losing now and not gaining every week! :D

On the Schedule for Today:

1) Type up notes for Study Units 1-10

2) Run errands (I’m out of SO MUCH!)

3) Hit up the YMCA after work, hopefully for a class. Can’t decided between Turbokick and RPM!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rant & Rave

Hello blogosphere!! Sorry it’s been so long. I’ve been caught up in work, studying for the CPA (first part August 31!), and working on projects for my alma mater. Just to update, weight wise I’m down to 216.4 (holla!) and exercise wise, well…I haven’t exactly been on top of that like I should be. I’m hoping to go to the gym this afternoon & get my one month evaluation, since I missed it last Saturday. We shall see.

Anywho, I was reading through my blogroll this morning and found a FAB post on Eat, Live, Run. Go read it! Right now! :D Seriously, it’s a great and very thoughtful post. I’ve been thinking about a lot of the things she said lately. At the beginning of my loonnngg WL journey (last February!) I ate all fat-free, low-fat, fake crap. That’s exactly what it was. Absolute garbage.

Do I still have something low-fat every now and then? Sure. But since I have started to incorporate more organic and natural foods into my diet, I have had less stomach problems, more energy, and had a better overall attitude. I know, it sounds crazy! But I honestly am more positive and upbeat when I’m feeding my body healthy food.

I love Weight Watchers. I am one of the their biggest fans, just because I know if you work the program, it works for you. However, this is the one issue I have with them. I feel like they promote over-processed, FAKE food instead of healthy, organic, and natural foods. Or, at the very least, they don’t encourage members to eat full fat foods. I know you’re going, wait, what?! Full fat?! The HORROR!

Seriously, peeps. Today, instead of throwing a fat-free slice of cheese on your sandwich, try some full-fat goat cheese. You need a LOT less because the flavor’s so much better. Not to mention it’s much, much healthier.

Anyway, there’s my rant for today. Take it or leave it. I have no nutritional training, so this is just coming from my experiences. :D I have nothing but love for WW.

I think this post is long enough, don’t you? I’m going to go study for the CPA exam some more. 20 more days!! ::shudder::